Monday, July 19, 2010

Twilight Inspiration

I was asked to help out a friend with a Twilight Inspired 21st birthday Party. Needless to say this was rather fun. She wanted a chocolate mud cake with a chess board on it, 2 chess pieces (white queen and red pawn), red ribbon, a frilly tulip and a red apple.
For the Chess Pieces, i used a chocolate chess piece mould (

It took a few attempts but i managed to make 2 chess pieces that didn't look too bad.

The cake was a little bit harder, trying to think of how i was going to make the chess board, in the end I used white icing and then painted on the black squares with black food colouring

and Lastly she wanted cupcakes that looked like they had been bitten into by a vampire, this was the best thing to make, after 2 trial batches to figure out how to make them, We settled on the scoop and and fill method.

Here is the cake and cupcakes all set up at the party venue

and finally here is jayde enjoying her cake



Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Learn To Dress Books

Little did I know when I came up with the idea to make a learn to dress book as a first birthday present for a friends Son, it would become such a popular item.

When I was pregnant with my son, I made a wall hanging that had all the learn to dress things on it. Well having a wall hanging isnt very practical, it cant be played with or used, so turning it into a book it could be taken anyway and everywhere. Thus the Bextra Special - Learn to Dress book come about.

Every book contains a Zip, Buttons, Pocket, Braces, Velcro and Laces.
I have been making them to the colour/patterns that each order would like.

I am in the process of designing a Shapes book and will be looking into a colour's book as well.

Till My next post,
Keep the Creative Juices Flowing xox

Alice In Wonderland

Back in April I did a "Alice in Wonderland" Themed birthday Party it was a lot of fun. Right from making the invitations to making the cake and the "tea party" themed food.

Here are some of the photos from this event.

Birthday Invitation

"eat me" cupcakes

Marshmellow Tea cups

Pink Meringue Hearts - Queen of Hearts.

Toadstools for the caterpillar

White Rabbits House - made from Ginger bread

Till Next time, Keep those Crafty Juices Flowing
Bec xox